Emergency and Local Contacts
EMERGENCY Police, Ambulance, Fire 999
Police non-emergency 101
Hard of Hearing – Police textphone service 07624818901
Medical non-emergency 111
Long Clawson Surgery 01664 822214
Belvoir Health Group, Cropwell Bishop 0115 8969991
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Power Cut reporting 105
Samaritans 116123
Childline 116111
RSPCA Leicestershire 0300 1234 999
Harby Shop and Garage 01949 860213
Harby Village Hall Booking Line 01949 480444
Harby Neighbourhood Watch 01949 860081
Harby Journal 07813341480
Harby Website harbyvillagewebsite@gmail.com
Parish Council www.chhparishcouncil.co.uk
Harby Primary School 01949 860553
The Priory Belvoir Academy 01949 844920
The Kings School Grantham 01476 563180
Kesteven and Grantham Girls School 01476 563017
Toot Hill School Bingham 01949 875550