Privacy Policy
This is the website for the village of Harby in Leicestershire (, which is managed by local volunteers. You can contact us at
The website uses cookies provided by our web service provider to make the site operate effectively and securely. Information on these can be found at:
Our monitoring indicates that the following cookies are used: XSRF-TOKEN, _wixCIDX, _wixUIDX, XSRF-TOKEN, bSession, hs, ssr-caching, svSession. These are described on the above page with the exception of _wixUIDX, which appears to have a similar purpose to _wixCIDX.
In addition, some of our pages contain embedded content, which comes with cookies employed by the providers of that content. In particular, we have embedded views of folders and spreadsheets provided by Google. Information on their use of cookies can be found at:
Personal data
We do not collect personal data through our website but will receive it if you contact us by email. We will only use the data obtained in this way for the purposes originally intended and will not pass it on to a third party without your explicit consent. You can contact us at any time to find out what information we hold about you and to request that it is corrected or deleted.