History of the village of Harby in Leicestershire
Harby History Hub
Over the coming months and years it is our intention to return and enhance the history section that was created on the original Harby website by the late Leslie Cram. This site was stored in the UK Web Archive, which is currently inaccessible as a result of a cyber-attack on the British Library IT systems on 31st October 2023. We will provide updates on this page when there is progress on recovering this valuable resource.
Many of the documents held in Matt Smith's archive from the National Archive at Kew, London. and the British Library are now available.
We would like this to become a space not only for educational research, but for us all to enjoy our shared history.
History is everything in our past, so we would love this to become our living village archive.
We want you to contribute whether it is documents, photographs or other material about our great village!